Auto Negligence

When someone behind a motor vehicle fails to operate it safely and causing an accident, they have committed auto negligence. A person claiming auto negligence has the right to defend their case by providing factual evidence of the accident along with medical records and police reports.

If you are victim of auto negligence, you want someone with experience who can help prove your case for pain and damages. No matter the accident or injury, Stephen Kelly will fight for your right to fair compensation.

20% of Stephen Kelly’s practice is dedicated to representing Plaintiffs/Petitioners in litigation in the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission in accident to automobile/motorcycle causes of action.

“I was involved in a motor vehicle accident in the state of Georgia. I sustained serious injuries as result of the same. I was in the hospital for many months. After hiring Mr. Kelly, I was able to receive the compensation I was entitled to. Mr. Kelly was able to obtain a settlement for over a half a million dollars at the end of my case. This matter proceeded quickly under the direction of Mr. Kelly. I was able to communicate with Mr. Kelly at all times during my case. I was advised as to the status of my case at all times.”

Signed a Canton area resident