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Hurt at work with THC in your system?

Does it qualify as workers’ comp?

Find out now!

While it’s legal to use marijuana recreationally in Illinois, when it comes to workers’ comp cases, there are some important things every worker needs to know:

  1. In 2011, a state law was established in Illinois stating if you have THC in your system and are injured on the job, it’s NOT automatically considered a work-related injury.
  2. If you are injured at work and have THC in your system, you must PROVE that you were not impaired at the time of the accident.
  3. Even though it’s legal to use recreational marijuana, your employer HAS A RIGHT to regulate your personal use, e.g. bus drivers, medical workers and emergency responders.

If you have a workers’ comp case involving marijuana, contact us immediately.

Has cannabis affected you in your workplace?

If you need an attorney, contact the law offices of Stephen Kelly today to discuss your issue!

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